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Day 54 - Friday, March 26

Today was forecasted to be a mix of clouds, rain, wind, cold, and possible thunderstorms.  Just Great!  We prepaid for a 3 hour boat ride on Lake Powell and were a little concerned about our "comfort" out there on the water.  But it was our lucky day and while it was overcast in the morning, by the time our 1:00pm tour left the dock the sky was blue.  Good thing!  The sun made the 55 degree temperature actually very comfortable even with the winds.

When we visited Lee's Ferry yesterday we were impressed with the campground that overlooks the Colorado River.  We are taking the RV there tomorrow for a few days. It has no hookups so we will be "boondocking".  I forgot to check on cell phone and internet availability while there so we may be out of "touch" for awhile.

I have added a lot of pictures below from the lake tour without much, if any, comment.  It's just a beautiful country!  Three videos are at the very end.  Lot's of noise in the videos - it's the wind blowing across the microphone of the camera and quite anoying.  I suggest just turning down or off the sound when viewing.

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