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Day 41 - Saturday, March 13

As forecasted, this morning is cloudy and 42. Rain is on its way for today and rain/snow for tonight. We are moving on in the morning - still have not decided where to - and the weather starting tomorrow for the next 10 days or so is to be nothing but sunny and warm. Go figure!

However, Thursday and Friday made it all worth it with beautiful sunrises, full sun all day, beautiful sunsets, and very starry nights.

As promised - pictures >>>>>>>>>>>>

On Thursday, the weather was so great that we took the "girls" on the Pa'Rus Trail, the only trail in Zion that dogs are allowed on. It is an easy paved trail around 3.75 miles. The scenery speaks for itself.

Gracie at the Virgin River wanting to dive for rocks.

Back at the Visitors Center

View from our camp of the Watchman.

"Girls chillin" out after their hike

Friday we hiked the "Watchman Trail" sans the pups. It was a moderate 3 mile hike with a 300 foot vertical ascent that looked down upon the campground. It was very muddy and slippery near the top but worth the sludge.

Jim on the trail trying to keep up with me!

That's me; the "alpha dog"

A recent rockslide on the trail

This giant boulder above us on the trail looked as if it was teetering and ready to fall

Here comes the mud!

At the top looking out over the campground and Springdale

Headin' back down the trail after lunch 


Day 40 - Friday, March 12

We spent half the day packing up and moving from site 1 to site 19.  What a waste of time.  Lot's of angry campers here due to unreasonable campgrround management.  But we will not go there.  We made our move and did our hike.  Pictures and more tomorrow when rain is scheduled to return and it will make sense to stay inside and post pictures.

Day 39 - Thursday, March 11

Nothing to say about today other than it was finally sunny and warm.  Did a dog walk - the only one allowed here in the park.  Pictures later.


Day 38 - Wednesday, March 10

Yesterday (Tuesday) we decided even with all the snow falling we were not going to just sit in the motor home all day.  We had been thinking about moving to Snow Canyon State Park to stay for a few days but someone who had been there said although it is a beautiful park, the RV sites are extremely small and narrow - would not be able to put the slides out.  We made it our drive of the day to go check it out - about a 75 minute drive one way.

So the pictures on this post are of yesterday's drive.

But before the pictures, an update.  The weather report last night said a change for the better after today so we decided to go back into Zion National Park.  We really did not have much time or weather to explore last week.  We did not like Snow Canyon campground so we were happy to have checked it out.  I drove to Zion first thing this morning to check out campsite availability because the online reservation system said no space.  I managed to get a four day stay.  Two days in one campsite and two days at another.  But that was fine.  I went back to the RV park and we loaded everything up and went "on down the road" to occupy our spot in Zion.  As we arrived it started to clear (near white-out snow earlier when I came to book our site) and we got a taste of sun.  The thought it was over but then more rain and snow mix.  Now at 2:30pm we have a little more sun.  Despite the cold, snow, and mud it really is beautiful and we are glad to be back.  Sunny and warmer in the forseeable future so it's looking good.

Something else - the park brochure says it only snows a few times a year at Zion.  I guess we should think of ourselves as being lucky to be here for the beauty of a snowfall - not unfortunate as we have been thinking!

Enjoy the pictures from Snow Canyon.  Tomorrow we WILL get "off the road" and hike into the wilderness to have a look around.

3 Highway overlook views down into Snow Canyon

Entrance to the town of Ivins where Snow Canyon is located

This should be up one space as we are here leaving St. George on our way to Ivins

Snow Canyon walk - the only one we could do with the girls

Isabelle spotted a little critter of some kind and was going "nuts" trying to get at it

Last picture of Snow Canyon.  We did not get to see that much here because the dogs are not allowed on the trails that lead up into the canyons.  Plus it was cold with low clouds hiding the mountain tops.  And, as so often, our camera just does not capture the beauty.  When we get back to screen which ones to share they do not seem quite as impressive as being there.  Anyway, at the end of the pictures is link to a panorama video I took to try to relay the "feel" of the canyon.

Headed back to Zion River Resort

Click on  >>>  Snow Canyon Video  to see the panorama


Day 37 - Tuesday, March 9

 Staying here at the Zion River RV Resort another day.  Didn't make a decision to do so - we can't leave!  Currently experiencing a "heavy snow" event - almost a whiteout.  Unbelieveable!  It is 10:00 am and so far about 3" has acumulated and it's still falling.

The forecast was for rain and a little cooler temperatures today - But Snow????  All we can talk about is "why did we leave Southern California?"  Looks like Elkhart is 20 degrees warmer and sunny.  Maybe we'll just head home.  I'll run that by Ellen.

I'm not sure at this time if we will even be able to drive anywhere today to look around. May be a good day to start a new book.

Out of the mud and parked on concrete with a yard of green grass

Looked like it might clear up late afternoon

The RV park is right on the bank of the Virgin River

The daily dog picture

Woke up to this today!

It was about 3" deep by 10:00 am,  but is melting quickly as the temp is currently up to 47


Day 36 - Monday, March 8

Patty and Laurie left for home this morning (Ellen drove them to the St. George airport) and I left Zion National Park for a private RV Resort about 15 miles south.  It is very difficult (for me) to deal with camping in wet weather in public campgrounds (state and national parks), not because I mind being wet or cold, it's all the mud and dirt to deal with having two dogs.  Most state and national park campgrounds, even with paved interior roads, are dirt campsites.  Most private RV parks are paved roads and campsites.  I love our "children" and would not even think of traveling without them, but when it's raining I'll pass on the beauty of public parks and go for the more "pricy" private parks.  We have not had this problem most of the time we have traveled Southwest for the winter, but this year has been different - colder, wetter, and muddier.  So we may hang out here at the RV "Resort" and do drives in the area until it dries out around here.  The forecast is for more rain and colder temps the next two days. We have talked about going back to Southern California, but we may just ride things out here and wait for the improved weather later this week.  Don't know what we will do - stay tuned!

Pictures from our Sunday drive -