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Day 53 - Thursday, March 25

There is a lot to do here at Lake Powell.  While still off-season and not much happening in the way of number of visitors, and still on the cool side, there is a lot to do and see before the crowds arrive.  We were told by a second year employee of the lodge that they are booked solid beginning mid-April.  So, while we do not have the best weather, we have the best tourist conditions - no reservations needed to do anything we want.

At home, we would not even consider a 125 mile sight-seeing trip as an afternoon diversion.  Out here in the "wide open spaces" it is no big deal.  Today we drove to Lee's Ferry ( a 125 mile round trip from Page), the launching point for all Colorado River trips.  Why?  I have been fortunate to have made the Grand Canyon River Rafting trip three times (once with Ellen), and I wanted to return after about 20 years to see what's new.  Well, nothing is new!  It is what it is - a river level launch point.   But what we discovered on today's trip was a great campground right on the Colorado River at Lee's Ferry that is part of the Glen Canyon Recreation Area.  No electricity, but a location to die for - right on the Colorado River!  And to top it off - only $6.00 a night for me to camp with my "senior" park pass.  When we leave here we are going to "boondock" at Lee's Ferry for a few nights.  This part of our country is awesome!

We won't leave here until Saturday morning.  Signed up for a Lake Powell boat trip tomorrow (Friday) totally blowing out our expected time in this area.  May be hard to leave after only 5 days.  Highly recommended!  But we are working our way back home and have to move on.  Too Bad!  You cannot vist Page, AZ and not want to stay.

 Sunrise over Navajo Mountain

The girls were not to be left behind. We left the car door open to load some "stuff" and they hopped in 15 minutes before we even planned to leave. They were not taking any chances

The road on our way to Lees Ferry. Awesome drive.

The road AZ-89A going to Lee's Ferry

Navajo Bridge with the "mighty" Colorado River below

Look close and you can see some rafters who had just put in at Lee's Ferry - the starting point for all Colorado river trips

From atop the bridge; far below you can see the rafters just drifting down the river at the start of their adventure. We are so jealous!

Isabelle looking down at the rafts. She's not sure what they are but is intrigued by the movement. 

More views on the road to the launch site at Lees Ferry

At the launch site. Lots of activity....

Views at the rivers edge. Gracie is really wanting to go swimming. This is the calm part of the river. Once you get into the Grand Canyon the water and scenery are totally incredible and exciting.  This is actually Marble Canyon - part of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.  "The Grand Canyon" and Grand Canyon National Park begins a short way down river from here.

Water! Water! Water!  I want to go swimming Mom!

The Paria River flows into the Colorado River here at Lee's Ferry.  The Paria is very muddy, while the Colorado is clear and blue.  You can see the two as they join here.
Looking back upriver at the launch site

After our round trip to Lees Ferry we got a cocktail and did a dog walk to the resort and then had a glass of wine sitting by the pool with the pups. Upon returning to camp, we walked by the fish cleaning station and I talked my new best friends into some "just caught" striped bass for our dinner. They were good ol' boys from California. They filleted the fish for us and we invited them to camp for a shot of "Crown". Boy did their eyes light up! They didn't show up but we sure enjoyed the fish.

The end result - yum!

Click here for a video of the scenery at Lee's Ferry

1 comment:

  1. I love it you go girls. Don't let Mom & Dad pull any tricks with you! xoxoxo
