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Day 33

Today is Friday and we finalized the cleaning of the RV before leaving the Oasis RV Resort just South of the Las Vegas Strip.  Two nights here and we never made it downtown.  It's a good thing - saved us a lot of money.  If we had more time (and money) to spend here we would have gone to see what's new - there is a lot!

Ellen picked up Patty and Laurie at the airport and drove them back to the Oasis to hook up and head for Zion.  The rest is told below picture by picture.

Leaving Needles Wednesday morning Ellen wanted to get a little driving time in.  Here is proof that she actually drove the "Rig" about 40 miles.

This is Vegas as seen approaching from the South on I-15.  The usual thought of Vegas is that it's out in the middle of the desert.  It is, but the beautiful mountains surrounding it are often forgotten

Another approaching view closer to town

Isabelle had some email's to check when we arrived.

The Oasis RV Resort is huge!  I think it's over a thousand spaces.  Spaces are OK - some better (and more costly) than others.  Here is BlueBoy tucked in his spot, and as you can see the weather was great.

They're here!

On the road north of Las Vegas headed for Zion - pretty country

Getting close to St. George

St. George at the base of the mountains.  Everyone who's been here said St. George is beautiful.  It is!

Road out of St. George nearing Zion

We made it!

Patty helping Ellen fix dinner

Grilled shrimp, pasta with mushrooms, and avocado & tomato salad

Three happy campers


Day 32

Sorry about no pictures.  Just not much to get excited about to show here in Vegas but the crowded RV park we are in.  It's a clean park with pool, hot tubs, dog runs, bar and restaurant, and more.  But right by I-15 and so a lot of traffic noise.  But we are here only to get caught up on laundry and groceries and RV cleaning and to be staged to pick up Patty & Laurie tomorrow.  We did get all that done.  The tempetation to go "downtown" was great.  We (I) resisted and we stayed at the park tonight.  I thought by the time we took a taxi downtown, walked around, had a few drinks, ate dinner and drank wine, then gambled away a hundred or so dollars each, then got a taxi back to the RV park, that we (I) would be thankful for the decision to not go out and get home around midnight.

We will probably come back through Vegas to "bag" some National Parks in California so if the desire to visit "the strip" still exists when and if we do get back here we will stay at one of the casinos on the strip so the access to the action is easier and cheaper.

The mountain views around Vegas really are beautiful and not noticed by many who visit.  Too many other distractions I guess.  But even from this RV park we can see snow covered peaks and a vast range of mountains.  Just too many RV's in the way!

We have some pictures coming into Vegas from California and will try to get some good ones from here at the RV Resort.  Next up, Zion National Park.  I expect to have cell phone service there (and therefore internet) but I don't remember what the situation was when we were there several years ago.  So if we disapear for several days you'll know why.


Day 31

Very nice and unexpected RV park in Needles, CA but we did not have time to stay.  Had to move on up the road to Las Vegas to be ready for "the girls" on Friday.

In the nearly 5 years I have had the motorhome Ellen has only driven it about 90 miles.  She did about 50 miles 4 years and today she got in the seat for 40 more.  She really did good, but I was happy when she said "enough".

We are back at the Oasis RV park on the south side of Vegas where we stayed two years ago.  Nice place for a short stay, but nothing to do unless here for the "action" on the strip.  We might go "downtown" tomorrow night, but a little afraid of the temptation to "hit the tables".  Could be costly!

We'll take some pictures tomorrow and post them along with the few taken today on our way into Vegas.  It's really pretty out here even though one does not usually think of Vegas as having the snow-covered mountains in the background we saw today.


Day 30

Sadly we left Anza-Borrego State Park this morning.  It really is a great place in the Southern California desert.  We keep asking ourselves why we did not plan to spend time here this trip as we enjoyed it so much two years ago.  We did get here, but only had four days available.  Next time we will spend two - four week in the area.  It's really that nice.  We feel really stupid for not planning appropriately.

But we drove to Needles, CA on the Arizona border with only the Colorado River separating CA from AZ.  We are at what was to be a modular home community on the Colorado River that fell on hard times recently due to the housing "crunch".  The owner decided to open it up to RV's and we are glad he did.  A great spot with pool, hot tubs, Colorado River access, beautiful weather and views of the mountanis.  It's basically the same great weather we have enjoyed at Lake Havasu in the years past - just on the California side of the river.

Just one night here then on to Vegas in the morning.

The mandatory dog picture first - the girls staying in the shade of a bush as we packed up

Aren't we a cute couple?

The RV park we spent one night at on the Colorado River in Needles, CA - Arizona is on the opposite shore

Their boat launch and riverside patio area

Blue Boy in his spot for the night

No words can describe - but Bruce (and you know who you are) I have my "Brucifers" on
OK - a second dog picture.  We let the girls swim in the Colorado River today at the RV park "beach".  They both went "nuts" coming out of the cold water.  Isabelle has to "waller" in the dirt after swimming but we would not allow her to do so.  She waited until we got back to the RV and did the Ra-Ra-Roo on the sofa (it's a Lauer family thing)

Day 29

Another beautiful day in the desert of Southern California. About 75 today with high, thin clouds - call it fair.

My back was better but not ready for a hike. As predicted, Ellen took off without me and made the 3 hour round-trip trek.

Following are her pictures and her comments.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, we pack up and head towards Las Vegas stopping in Laughlin, NV or Needles, CA to overnight before a two night stay (Wed & Thu) in Vegas. We'll hook up with Patty and Laurie Friday around noon and drive the 160 miles to Zion National Park for their 3 day vacation.

Our daily dog picture. Izzy is chillin' out & watching soap operas.

Jim and I did the canyon hike 2 years ago on our first visit to Borrego Springs. This truly is a desert oasis in a canyon. Too bad he couldn't make the hike. Guess I will have to find a younger man who can hang with me! Unfortunately, I am not that savvy with the blog. The pictures are out of sync but, nonetheless the scenery is incredible! This is what I encountered along the way. The desert is in bloom and beautiful. I even got to see a herd of Bighorn sheep. Around 20 of them in all. From babies to the Big Buck with curved horns and his "women". They are incredibly agile on the sides of the mountain. I guess I got really lucky because it is rare to see them. Not close enough for me to take pictures but what a treat! Anyway, hope you enjoy the California Fan Palms as they are indigenous to this state.


Day 28

Day 28 - One month on the road!
Hard to believe.

But to move on - it stayed windy and rainy last night but we woke up to a bright blue sky. So rain is a thing of the past right now. No rain in the forecast for as least 8-10 days here in the desert Southwest. And we did get the two more days here at Anza-Borrego State Park. Just had to pack up and move to a different site about 100 yards away.

Great day for a hike up Palm Canyon! But, I got out of bed this morning with a back so sore that I could barely walk. I could not, and still can't, stand up straight. So we went to Brunch, outside seating, at the The Palms at Indian Head Resort and drank cheap champagne and fresh orange juice. I feel better now, but no way can I hike.

Ellen wanted to watch the US play Canada for the Olympic Hockey Gold medal (noon our time) so it all worked out OK anyway. Tomorrow she will hike the canyon with or without me. I'll just stay behind with the dogs and finish the book I started before we left Elkhart if I'm not up to the hike.

Back to the Resort. At one time back in 1947 this resort was built by a rancher who owned a lot of property in the area. It became a destination for celebrities from Hollywood who wanted seclusion and flourished for a time. It burned to the ground some years later but was not rebuilt for a long time. Eventually, it was but never regained it's initial success. It fell again into disrepair and was home to several non-resort operations. To cut the story short, it's now kind of in a "rebirth" phase. It's not brand new, but it's very, very nice. And the food and service are excellent! A view to die for! You'll see from the pictures. And so easy to get to it - 5 minutes from the state park.

So that's it for today.

I forgot to mention that along with the blue sky it was 72 today.

State Park Entrance

Just inside the park

This is a distant picture of the State Park campground which is at the base of the mountain. If you enlarge the picture and look close you might see the RV's parked there. We are in there somewhere.

View from our campsite

A rainbow from yesterday

Ocotillo in bloom

Mandatory dog picture

Below - pictures of The Resort