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Day 55 - Saturday, March 27

Today we left Page and drove the 50+ miles to Lee's Ferry, AZ.  On some maps you can't even find Lee's Ferry, but it's only 6 miles East of Marble Canyon.  Marble Canyon is the site of a bridge over the Colorado River.  In the 1800's (when there was no bridge) Lee's Ferry was the only place to cross the river within 200 miles (or something like that).

Anyway, all Colorado River trips depart from Lee's Ferry now days and it's part of The Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.  There is a  National Park campground here that is "improved" (water available, dump station, fire ring, picnic table, sun shelter, outhouse, etc.) but no electricity.  But, being a senior citizen, like in all Federal campgrounds, I can camp for 1/2 price.  So here it costs me $6.00/night - right on the Colorado River!  Now that's my tax dollars at work!

Verizon has also made an effort, and succeeded, in providing cell phone and internet service to this remote area for all the "boaters", fishermen, etc. that pass through this area.  We campers benefit from their thoughtfulness.  But the signal is not strong and picture posting will probably prove to be too slow to do from here, but I'll try later.

All I can say is there is something "religious" about this place for me.  Departing from this very place 30 years ago on my first (of three) trips through the Grand Canyon on the Colorado River changed my view of life.  Being here again is like coming home in some unexplainable way.  Enought of that!  This place is (and I hate to use the word) awesome!

Other than launching river runners, Lee's Ferry has over a hundred years of history - and some evidence of it can still be found today.  It's also the end point of a 50+ mile hike from Utah.  We did a little exploring today and will do more tomorrow.

Remains of Lee's Ferry Homestead

Blue Boy in a few years if we stay in the desert

The muddy Paria flowing through Lee's Ferry and shortly into the Colorado

Old pumping station and the start (or end) of a 50 mile trail up the Paria River Canyon

The orchard is still maintained by the NPS

Six bucks a night - with a view

Gracie getting a "Butt Scratch" and loving it

Isabelle has been a little "down" lately - not sure what her problem is.  I think she wants to go home.

Opposite view from our campsite looking away from the river

More river pictures

Life is Good!

Still more river pics - my camera does not capture all the subtle changes in view that occur as the sun moves through the sky but looking in the same direction we see something different all day long

...and night


  1. AWESOME! BEAUTIFUL! i have a case of ENVY :) enjoy... love to y'all. LA

  2. SO Cool! Hit the jackpot, who needs electric. Must be as I would say stars the moon and dark must be perfect!xoxo
