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Day 7


Rain was possible today but the sun was out all day. Cooler and wetter weather possible here next two days, but still in the 50's. Tucson looking good down the road with upper 60's and lower 70's into the week.
But one day at a time. Today surprised us so got some "outside" work done on the RV. We both used the fitness room to get a little exercise knowing we were going to over eat and drink today.

Super Bowl party today. Ellen Jo has prepared a Southwest "fiesta". BBQ Chicken Quesadillas and Shrimp Tacos with all the accouterments. You can see from the pictures that it was ALL GOOD! We are two hours behind home so we got to watch half of the game in daylight with the motor home doors open and cooking outdoors.

Well, my team lost and Ellen got me for $20.00. I'll hear about it for weeks!

Thank you all for keeping in touch.

Our first Margarita

Ready to "dig in"

Look at this!

Party Girl

The cleaning crew


  1. Hey there! I finally got my blog fix. Glad to hear you are having a good time. Please tell Sue I said hi. Miss ya all!!! PP

  2. Nice looking fiesta. Looks like a good time, love the pictures.

  3. Your Super Bowl spread looks amazing!...I won some money on the game as well. Love, Allison
