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Day 11

No snow overnight, no flash floods, no nothing!  We have really wanted to see a major "water" event here in the dessert but it was not to be again this trip.  The 10-day forecast is nothing but sunshine and 70+ so I guess we will not get what we want this trip other than great weather.  This is not a complaint!  The creek or wash or whatever they call it around here is flowing at a greater volume than we have seen in prior years, but still not anything close to running full. 

Short drive today trying to find a canyon in the National Forest that the dogs could go with us on a hike, but they are just not allowed on the trails. Bummer!  So we did a walk "hike" here in the State Park where they are allowed anywhere.  The girls got to wet their paws in the stream but we did not let them get all the way in.

Simply enjoyed the sun today, but it sure gets cold when the sun goes down.  We didn't do much today so no pictures to add.  That's it for today.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you Ellen! It looks like you are having a wonderful time! ...I am jealous, we are still buried under lots of snow! You can also check out my blog if you get a chance.
