The Weather We Left Behind

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Day 8

I've spent most of the day figuring out the new software to post pictures.
Ellen did laundry.
Isn't this exciting!

We were going to drive up into the mountains today but it already is 1:00pm. May now wait until tomorrow and do it while the RV is in for service at 9:00am. They promised it to be completed by 2:00pm at the latest. Then we will travel as far West on I-10 as time allows. Could be Demimg, NM or Could be Tucson.

About 55 today and still sunny!

Here are a few pictures from the Hacienda RV park.

And here are a few pictures taken on a short walk in a nearby state park - the river is what is left of the "Mighty" Rio Grande by the time it reaches Las Cruces. Still, it's beautiful country. And look at the color of the sky!

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