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Day 6

We moved on!

Drove 250 miles to Las Cruces and checked into one of our "best ever" RV parks - The Hacienda.
A lot of beautiful USA on the trip but it is so hard to put to pictures what we are seeing

I've talked about pictures, but just have been too busy to put any on the blog.  We are here for 3 days so I have no more excuses.

Got in here about 4:30 pm and set up.  Had a glass of wine while the sun set.  Showered and went out to dinner.

It had to be about 70 here and sunny when we arrived. Officially maybe 65. But it was great to get out of the RV in a T-shirt and be comfortable.

Heading south on US70 out of Alamogordo on our way to Las Cruces
Getting close to Las Cruces

Closer yet


  1. Sounds great so far. But Jiiiimmmmmm, I want pictures..
    Lov you guys!

  2. I bet you guys are having a blast!!! Have a goodtime and get some sun for me and dont forget about pictures!!!!

    love ya, Carey =-] Fringe misses youuu ellen
