The Weather We Left Behind

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Day 12

We are still in Catalina State Park.  We signed up for a 5 night stay upon arrival, buyt there is a good chance we will stay even longer.  This means our "basic" scenery is not changing.   But some pictures are below.

Ellen treated us to a Lobster dinner and a movie tonight at the mall across the street from the Park.  Great dinner and funny movie (It's Complicated).  Thank you Ellen!

Nothing really to talk about execpt to we love this place and this weather!

First two pictures are just for a contrast between our views upon a rainy arrival on Day 10 and our current sunshine

OH MY GOD!  Look at this forecast

View of the Catalina Mountains from inside the RV

"The Good Life"

Tucson "hamburgers"
View of the campground from a trailhead above the park

Miscellaneous pictures all within Catalina SP

1 comment:

  1. I am so going to that State Park. As always love the pictures. Jiiimmmm what were you thinking is your eyebrow 3 now 2 short and 1 long. That must of been a fun night. Sorry I missed it HAHAHAHA
    Love you guys!
