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Day 60 - Friday, April 2

We left Gouldings Resort/Lodge/RV park today and headed North.  Went through some of the most beautiful country we have ever seen.  Too few places to pull off the road to take pictures and not well marked in advance to slow down to get good photos.  Definitely a place to return some day and get a better "feel" for the area.  Highly Recommended!

Tonight we are at a Colorado State Park about 20 miles East of Grand Junction.  Probably  not a place to spend more than one night due to it's being next to the I-70 and a railroad track.  But it's clean and right on the Colorado River.  I was able to wash the desert dust off both vehicles and let the girls get a swim in a clear lake pond here on site. Quite a relief for us to get all the dust and dirt washed off the vehicles and the dogs.

We passed through Moab, UT and tried to get a stay at Dead Horse Point State Park but not a chance. It's a great state park and hard to get into at any time.  We got in several years ago and have wanted to return.  It was not in the plans for this year, but we ended up in Moab afterall and would have welcomed a stay there again if we could.  Checked online in advance and were told no space but from experience we know just showing up frequently has good results.  Not so today, so we just kept moving on.  There is a big "Jeep" ralley in Moab this weekend and the place is "jammed".  It's the 44th annual event.  No doubt why we could not get in at the State Park.  We will come back another time!

We have pictures from our Monument Valley drive and our travels today.  Internet connection too slow for pictures yesterday and too late tonight to "load them up".  I'll try to get caught up in the morning.

We are heading home but not in a rush!  We may "drift" south from here into Southern Colorado if the weather is good and the road are open to see some new sights.  Iff'y this time of year.  Still winter in the Rockies.

Looks like the internet connection it good enough to upload pics in the morning.

More then, see you all soon!

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