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Day 28

Day 28 - One month on the road!
Hard to believe.

But to move on - it stayed windy and rainy last night but we woke up to a bright blue sky. So rain is a thing of the past right now. No rain in the forecast for as least 8-10 days here in the desert Southwest. And we did get the two more days here at Anza-Borrego State Park. Just had to pack up and move to a different site about 100 yards away.

Great day for a hike up Palm Canyon! But, I got out of bed this morning with a back so sore that I could barely walk. I could not, and still can't, stand up straight. So we went to Brunch, outside seating, at the The Palms at Indian Head Resort and drank cheap champagne and fresh orange juice. I feel better now, but no way can I hike.

Ellen wanted to watch the US play Canada for the Olympic Hockey Gold medal (noon our time) so it all worked out OK anyway. Tomorrow she will hike the canyon with or without me. I'll just stay behind with the dogs and finish the book I started before we left Elkhart if I'm not up to the hike.

Back to the Resort. At one time back in 1947 this resort was built by a rancher who owned a lot of property in the area. It became a destination for celebrities from Hollywood who wanted seclusion and flourished for a time. It burned to the ground some years later but was not rebuilt for a long time. Eventually, it was but never regained it's initial success. It fell again into disrepair and was home to several non-resort operations. To cut the story short, it's now kind of in a "rebirth" phase. It's not brand new, but it's very, very nice. And the food and service are excellent! A view to die for! You'll see from the pictures. And so easy to get to it - 5 minutes from the state park.

So that's it for today.

I forgot to mention that along with the blue sky it was 72 today.

State Park Entrance

Just inside the park

This is a distant picture of the State Park campground which is at the base of the mountain. If you enlarge the picture and look close you might see the RV's parked there. We are in there somewhere.

View from our campsite

A rainbow from yesterday

Ocotillo in bloom

Mandatory dog picture

Below - pictures of The Resort

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