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Day 31

Very nice and unexpected RV park in Needles, CA but we did not have time to stay.  Had to move on up the road to Las Vegas to be ready for "the girls" on Friday.

In the nearly 5 years I have had the motorhome Ellen has only driven it about 90 miles.  She did about 50 miles 4 years and today she got in the seat for 40 more.  She really did good, but I was happy when she said "enough".

We are back at the Oasis RV park on the south side of Vegas where we stayed two years ago.  Nice place for a short stay, but nothing to do unless here for the "action" on the strip.  We might go "downtown" tomorrow night, but a little afraid of the temptation to "hit the tables".  Could be costly!

We'll take some pictures tomorrow and post them along with the few taken today on our way into Vegas.  It's really pretty out here even though one does not usually think of Vegas as having the snow-covered mountains in the background we saw today.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys just got caught back up with your trip. WOW it looks so beautiful. I have to ask how Ellen ever let you get a picture of her in the hot tub! Love it! Good picture EJ from your hike. xoxoxo to everybody! PS win big money!
