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Day 48 - Saturday, March 20

Man! It was 24 this morning! But the sky was clear and as soon as the sun came up over the mountain top it got hot - in the sun.  Still cool, if not cold, in the shade.  But with all the blue sky it was easy to stay warm outside.

We went on a yet a different hike today - Angel's Landing.  Rated as "strenuous" with narrow trails and likely to have snow and ice.  We were not sure if we should attempt it, but what the hell!  Off we went.  Turned out to be mostly paved (would be too muddy and slippery if not) and snow and ice had melted.  It was still a test and the most exhausting hike of our trip.  We did not do the last 1/2 mile - a two hour round trip - to the peak of the mountain.  Very narrow.  Very crowded. Very steep. Very dangerous and the only way up and down was by pulling yourself along with chains that had been anchored into the mountain. We could have made it given our own pace, but just too many people going up and down a "one lane" path when we were on a time constraint to get back to the dogs within 4 hours.

It was very satisfying to get as far as we did.  Great workout!

Zion is getting very busy now.  All campgrounds open and full.  In fact, as I mentioned yesterday, we are on a first come basis at our current campsite until Wednesday when all sites are reservable.  So if we want to stay through Wednesday we can because we are "first come" as long as we are occupying the site.  But starting Thursday, the reservation system becomes active and all spaces have already been reserved for the season.  We might just stay until we have to leave!  Weather is perfect and still one or two more hikes to take to "bag" them all here.

Pictures, Pictures, and more Pictures ------------

That peak is the end of the trail (hike).  At this point Ellen is wondering "We"re going up there?"

Just a view in the opposite direction

Ellen says - "Let's do it"

Off we go!

Unless you can really expand this picture, you can't see the trail that climbs right up the sheer rock.  From our point of view we can see maybe 50 people climbing the trail in front of us. 

Looking back on the trail at just the beginning

A little higher up
Higher still

The Hiking "Dude"

Contributing to the erosion of the valley - what a view!

Canyon gettng narrow

Views from the end of our hike

Looking at the last 1/2 mile of the trail - two hour round trip from here to "go the distance"  Very dangerous and crowded.  We started but decided to turn back.  Warning at the start of this last 1/2 mile says most deaths in Zion occur along this part of the trail.

We're happy to be heading down

This one's for you Chincia

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Now I really am jealous!! The big black pot what did you guys make. What a cook spot.
    Have fun miss you guys. You two be care full.
