The Weather We Left Behind

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Day 5

Didn't quite get to freezing last night - only 38.
But the morning sunrise was nothing short of beautiful - extremely bright blue sky. And it stayed that way all day.  Got to what felt like 70 but I think officially it was 64 or 65.
It's comfortable here, with the current good weather and all.  Not too many people here.  And New Mexico State Parks are suffering with most others due to the poor economy.  Not quite as well maintained as years before and hardly any Ranger presence.  Hardly anyone at all - anywhere.  But we are happy to be out in the quiet desert.

I did get the RV washed and made some minor "tweeks" to the RV.  Ellen walked the girls. Late afternoon we drove into Carlsbad to grocery shop.  Ellen is cooking outside on the grill as I type and the wind has picked up a little - temp now at dark is 55.

Tomorrow the plan is to move on to Las Cruces for Super Bowl weekend.  But we have talked about staying here for a few more days.  Weather should stay great through the weekend and we could just sit tight and enjoy the sun and wait to drive on West when the rain is falling.  Spending a sunny day packing and traveling may not be the smart move. Won't know until morning what's next.

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