The Weather We Left Behind

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Day 37 - Tuesday, March 9

 Staying here at the Zion River RV Resort another day.  Didn't make a decision to do so - we can't leave!  Currently experiencing a "heavy snow" event - almost a whiteout.  Unbelieveable!  It is 10:00 am and so far about 3" has acumulated and it's still falling.

The forecast was for rain and a little cooler temperatures today - But Snow????  All we can talk about is "why did we leave Southern California?"  Looks like Elkhart is 20 degrees warmer and sunny.  Maybe we'll just head home.  I'll run that by Ellen.

I'm not sure at this time if we will even be able to drive anywhere today to look around. May be a good day to start a new book.

Out of the mud and parked on concrete with a yard of green grass

Looked like it might clear up late afternoon

The RV park is right on the bank of the Virgin River

The daily dog picture

Woke up to this today!

It was about 3" deep by 10:00 am,  but is melting quickly as the temp is currently up to 47


  1. YUK!!! We don't want to see snow! Sorry you're stuck in it, but it's great to say it's been nice here for a change. Hope you find sunny, warm weather soon. Love, Mandy.

  2. That is Crazy! But you still have some great views. The girls look like they are having fun playing in the snow kids do love it. Curl up with a good book, get the stew going and relax.
