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Day 64 - Tuesday, April 6


We got packed up and "rolling" before 10:00am and made it by 5:30pm.

In summary, a great "new adventure" that we hoped for, but cut a little short due to some poor weather conditions.  Some rain and even snow during the first weeks and a lot of wind later on, but even with sunshine the good days were on the cool side with wind-chill making it hard to relax outside.  Good to be hiking or driving, but not the heat of the Southern Arizona and Southern California deserts we spent so little time in this year. 

Simply put, we moved North too soon and "burned out" (at least I did - Ellen wanted to keep going) on the cooler temperatures.  Especially once the weather in Elkhart became far better than that we were experiencing.  But we found some "treasures" in the way of new places and are happy to have had the chance to do so.  We will plan our next trip on getting to the Central California and Northwest National Parks of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho when they are not only open and completely accessable, but warmer as well.

Thanks for following us on our travels!

Jim, Ellen, and "the girls"

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