The Weather We Left Behind

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Day 23

Very windy through out the night (Monday) and cold, but this morning began with blue skies, diminishing winds, warming temperatures, and even with the improved weather we packed up and left.  It was still too chilly to sit outside comfortably so the decision was made to keep going South and West.

The weather in Quartzsite, AZ was forecast to be about 8-10 degrees warmer than Pleasant Lake so we went for it!  Ended up in an RV park 4 miles short of Quartzsite.  Not too bad of a place for a night or two, nothing to hang around for.  We will sign up for tomorrow night to allow time to drive around the area.  Quartzsite is quite a popular winter RV destination for reasons we don't understand.  Yes, the weather is some of the best in the country for snowbirds, but unless one has a 4-wheeler or jeep or something to get out into the BLM areas we are not sure what goes on here.  We'll give it a day tomorrow to see if we can discover if there are other attractions.

Lake Pleasant Tuesday morning - it was a lot colder than it looks so we did pack up and leave.  But by the time we were pulling away it was getting quite nice.


  1. Lovely scenery on your way to Mesa. Loved the looks of the ihouse. Love, Allison

  2. WOW - what beautiful photos (despite the weather)! - Mandy
