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Day 44 - Tuesday, March 16

Today was a repeat of yesterday - total blue sky with cool mountain breezes to take the "bite" out of the high altitude sun.  As planned, we did our 4th hike up into Zion Canyon.

Looks like Elkhart weather has been pretty good lately.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, is our last in Zion.  After 13 days in the area we are moving on.  Still not sure where to yet, but most likely South and or Southeast.  Our original plan was to follow spring north from here, but spring in the mountains does not start until early to mid May.  Most of the National Parks in the northwest are closed for all but easy drives to their visitor centers.  That's just not worth the effort for a limited access to the parks and minimal facilities open.  We will have to try again another year in May or September.

Pictures of todays hike, if not already below, will be posted soon.

1 comment:

  1. Again, thanks for sharing your trip with us. I love checking out all the pictures and videos. Weather back here has been great but winter will retrun by this weekend. Enjoy! Sister Beth
